[Xcb] [PATCH] Open the X11 socket with close-on-exec flag

Mikhail Gusarov dottedmag at dottedmag.net
Mon Feb 15 22:45:57 PST 2010

Twas brillig at 15:13:33 15.02.2010 UTC-08 when bart at cs.pdx.edu did gyre and gimble:

 >>  BCM> Some reason why the child doesn't just close the connection?
 >> Child has literally no idea that the connection is there.

 BCM> I'm not getting it?  The child is a fork of the parent; the
 BCM> parent presumably knew the connection was there, since it
 BCM> presumably opened it.

 BCM> Is this just about making popen() work better?

Uh. Probably it's about making system(3) better. Yep. Does not worth it.

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