[Xcb] xproto and Generic Events

Peter Harris pharris at opentext.com
Mon Jan 24 07:55:33 PST 2011

On 2010-12-26 21:27, Antoine Latter wrote:
> Hi XCB,
> The file 'src/ge.xml' is in source control for xproto 1.6, but it
> isn't in the xproto 1.6 tarball.
> Is this a problem? The file doesn't really seem to define much, but
> someone must have wrote it for some reason.

It's not a problem for libxcb, since it doesn't need anything from that
file (yet). Do you have a different generator that needs the current ge.xml?

There's a patch making its way through the xorg-devel list that adds
more functions to ge.xml, and also adds it to the list of files to be
installed. Hopefully this should be fixed when it lands.


 Peter Harris
               Open Text Connectivity Solutions Group
Peter Harris                    http://connectivity.opentext.com/
Research and Development        Phone: +1 905 762 6001
pharris at opentext.com            Toll Free: 1 877 359 4866

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