[Xcb] _Problems_ in GSoC, 2011

vikash agrawal vikashagrawal1990 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 04:15:42 PDT 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Josh Triplett <josh at joshtriplett.org>wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 06:51:37PM +0530, vikash agrawal wrote:
> > So far I have understood the code generation, Now I want to test it, so
> how
> > do I do it?
> > Also if I add this
> >
> >  <!-- This are for testing purpose -->
> >   <enum name="Test">
> >       <item name="Test" />
> >       <item name="Reteset" />
> >   </enum>
> >
> > to any of protocol then will it compile to give outputs? because I tried
> but
> > it didnt. So how do I test if I am going correct in understanding the
> code
> > generation.
> That seems like a nice test to start with.  You should start by making
> sure that the libxcb build finds your modified proto files; it may only
> look at the system-wide files.  Try configuring your modified proto with
> "./configure --prefix=/tmp/xcbtest", doing "make install" on it, then
> configuring libxcb with "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/xcbtest/lib/pkgconfig
> ./configure --prefix=/tmp/xcbtest/" so it uses the modified proto.  If
> all goes well, during the build process you should see lines like this:
> /usr/bin/python ./c_client.py -p /tmp/xcbtest/lib/python2.6/site-packages
> /tmp/xcbtest/share/xcb/xproto.xml
> Actually, you can probably run commands like that directly.
> > And should I move to xkb or xproto now?
> I'd suggest first running more tests along the lines of what you did
> above.  Once you see the generated code for your <enum> test, try
> building a <struct> to see what that produces.  In particular, try
> putting simple fields with various sizes (CARD8, CARD16, CARD32) next to
> each other and see when you end up with generated padding.  That should
> help you understand the padding rules.
> > [ Am I going very slow? Please speak to me bluntly as this is very
> > important, with context to deadlines, work and assessments ( less than 20
> > days left ) as I really want to know and would pace up more to give my
> best,
> > By now almost 3 weeks are coming to an end and I feel very unsatisfied
> with
> > my work, though still I am not sure, if I am judging my self very
> brutally
> > or sympathetically]
> See my previous reply regarding this.  In short, please don't worry too
> much about the deadline; focus on learning about the code generation
> through experiments, understanding the padding bug, and figuring out how
> to implement the padding rules.  Remember, you have a large, complex,
> and unfamiliar codebase to work with here; you will absolutely need time
> to understand it.  Don't worry about having to do experiments to learn,
> and don't worry that you haven't already produced useful code.  This
> part of the process will feel a bit unproductive until you realize how
> much information you've had to learn so that you could start writing
> code.  Experiments and learning count as productive work, as long as you
> go on to use that knowledge later in the process. :)
> - Josh Triplett

All points noted,

Also I wanted to convey that from past 4 days, I have come to Bangalore (
have some major family issue and cant post that in the mailing list ) so, I
was out of work. Coming here was very urgent and indispensable.
And now again I am back to work, though I will be leaving Bangalore by

Also I bought a new phone :)

Thank You Guys

With love

Vikash Agrawal
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