[Xcb] Are the util-common-m4 submodules relative on purpose?

Arnaud Fontaine arnaud at andesi.org
Wed Mar 23 16:52:49 PDT 2011


    > Hi, I mean this in .gitmodules:
    >     [submodule "m4"]
    >         path = m4
    >         url = ../util-common-m4.git

    > instead of:
    >     [submodule "m4"] 
    >         path = m4
    >         url = git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xcb/util-common-m4 

Yes, it  is relative  on purpose.  There  are several reasons  for this,
such as  being easier  for developers  (you may want  to write  code for
util-common-m4 and test it in util-wm or publish your own util-common-m4
somewhere along with util, without modifying .gitsubmodules) and you may
not want to use git protocol.

Also, as Gaetan pointed out, if a developer wants to make a copy of util
repository on  people.fdo, then he  will have to copy  util-common-m4 as
well but I don't really think that's really an issue.

Arnaud Fontaine

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