[Xcb] XCB documentation effort status update

Josh Triplett josh at joshtriplett.org
Mon Nov 28 15:51:18 PST 2011

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:41:04PM +0000, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> Excerpts from Josh Triplett's message of 2011-11-28 23:31:23 +0000:
> > We've had that problem before with the list of extensions, as well.
> Yes, I’ve seen the remark there.
> > Ideally we'd like to do some autogeneration based on xcb-proto, except
> > that as far as I can tell, autotools doesn't seem to allow
> > autogeneration of that information; it has to live in the .am file, and
> > configure doesn't even work with the .am files, it works with the
> > generated .in files.  I don't know a good solution, but we definitely
> > need one.
> What about switching away from autotools to a different build system (ensuring
> that it does work on all platforms which we support at the moment)? Is that
> something we could consider or is it off the table? If so, why?

Between the very broad list of platforms that X supports, the use of
autotools everywhere else in X, developer familiarity with autotools,
and the large pain of switching (particularly if we discover problems
with the new system), I don't think we should switch.

- Josh Triplett

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