[Xcb] xcb_image_t sizing issue

Louis Mendoza louismendoza23 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 22 17:01:50 PDT 2011

xcb_image_t sizing issue. 

I am creating an image using the create
native image function xcbImage = xcb_image_create_native
(connection, imageOrignalWidth, imageOriginalHeight,
XCB_IMAGE_FORMAT_Z_PIXMAP, depth, 0, ~0, 0); I
am trying to put this image into shared memory and trying to put it
on a xcb_drawable_t. I copy the source of the image I want to put
onto the  drawable via
picture->data[0]+i*picture->linesize[0], picture->linesize[0]); The source of the image is of
type AVPicture *xcb_image_shm_put(xcbWindowManager->getConnection(),
xcbWindowManager->getFgColor(), xcbWindowManager->getXcbImage(),
xcbWindowManager->getShmInfo(), 0, 0, 0, 0, originalWidth,
originalHeight, 0); I see an
image on the drawable but it does not have the correct dimensions.
(It is a lot smaller than 640x480).  ImageOrignalWidth = 640 and
imageOriginalHeight = 480. I printed the height and width of the
drawable using  
and got 899 x 480 for the drawable. attached is  a screen shot of the

pasted the image on gimp and the dimensions were 162 x  408 
do I need to do to fill in the whole drawable???
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