[Xcb] How to properly handle EnterNotifyEvents for gtk3

Micah Nordland mpnordland at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 16:46:01 PDT 2012

I've come across an interesting problem with a window manager I'm writing
using the xpyb library. With or without me handling EnterNotifyEvents, gtk3
apps like gnome-terminal, sakura, and gedit all fail to either show a
focused text cursor (gnome-terminal and sakura) or no text cursor at all
(gedit). I know that it is possible since under twm it works properly. When
I receive an EnterNotifyEvent I call this method:
    def handle_enter_event(self, evt):
        window =  self.get_window(evt.window)
        if evt.mode != xproto.NotifyMode.Normal:

window.focus() is defined as:
    def focus(self):

I am setting _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, and from all that I can tell, I'm doing
pretty much the same thing as twm.
Praising my Savior all the day long,
Micah Nordland
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