[Xcb] Determining pixel format when xcb_get_image_reply_t.visual = 0

Florian Albrechtskirchinger falbrechtskirchinger at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 04:29:40 PST 2012

On 12/19/2012 05:33 PM, Peter Harris wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Florian Albrechtskirchinger wrote:
>> ... But xcb_get_image_reply_t.visual is zero and there's no
>> visual by that ID.
>> VLC uses xcb_composite_name_window_pixmap(). Could that be the reason why
>> the visual ID isn't set?
> Yes. Pixmaps don't have visuals, only Windows do.
>> How do I determine the pixel format in this case?
> You can xcb_get_window_attributes on the Window to retrieve the visual ID.
Thank you, that helped me isolate the VLC issue.


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