[Xcb] [PATCH vw] Add macros for automatically loading lists of atoms

William Swanson swansontec at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 00:14:54 PST 2012

Hello again,
I have updated my atom-list utility library. This new version is
splits the initialization function in two, so it now follows the
standard XCB request / reply format. I have also simplified the macro
usage a bit:


/* In main:*/
my_atoms_init_cookie_t cookie;
my_atoms_t atoms;

cookie = my_atoms_init (connection);
if (!my_atoms_init_reply (connection, &cookie, &atoms, NULL);
    ... error handling ...

/* Now we can use atoms.WM_PROTOCOLS and so forth */

I think the macros are starting to look pretty user-friendly at this
point, and they certainly solve a real pain point with XCB usage.

The only downside I can think of at this point is that the macros
require C99 variable-length macro parameter lists, which everyone
seems to support anyhow.

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