[Xcb] Issues with XCB and OpenGL

Bart Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Wed Dec 11 22:33:40 PST 2013

I have no clue. I don't know if anyone has used this API for anything
in a long time; it may just be broken. More likely it's your code; I'd
suggest putting all of it somewhere where people can look at it and
posting a link. Sorry I can't be of more help. --Bart

On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Xavier Bigand
<flamaros.xavier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Up.
> Nobody know how to fix it?
> On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Uli Schlachter <psychon at znc.in> wrote:
>> On 01.12.2013 17:12, Xavier Bigand wrote:
>>> I am trying to make the XCB with OpenGL sample work :
>>> http://xcb.freedesktop.org/opengl/
>>> I am getting the following error :
>>> X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
>>>    Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)
>>>    Minor opcode of failed request:  31 (X_GLXCreateWindow)
>>>    Resource id in failed request:  0x2e00004
>>>    Serial number of failed request:  26
>>>    Current serial number in output stream:  30
>>> I have a Mint 16 with open sources driver and an ATI card.
>>> Does it come from the sample code or my configuration?
>> Disclaimer: I have no clue about OpenGL.
>> I replaced the following code (line 76 and following):
>>         /* Select first framebuffer config and query visualID */
>>         GLXFBConfig fb_config = fb_configs[0];
>>         glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display, fb_config, GLX_VISUAL_ID ,
>> &visualID);
>> with this:
>>         /* Select first framebuffer config and query visualID */
>>         GLXFBConfig fb_config;
>>         int config = 0;
>>         for (config = 0; config < num_fb_configs; config++) {
>>                 fb_config = fb_configs[config];
>>                 visualID = 0;
>>                 glXGetFBConfigAttrib(display, fb_config, GLX_VISUAL_ID ,
>> &visualID);
>>                 if (visualID != 0)
>>                         break;
>>                 fprintf(stderr, "config %d of %d failed\n", config,
>> num_fb_configs);
>>         }
>> This gives me the following output (and then opens a blue window):
>> config 0 of 24 failed
>> config 1 of 24 failed
>> config 2 of 24 failed
>> config 3 of 24 failed
>> Cheers,
>> Uli
>> P.S.: Could someone with more clue look at this and perhaps improve the
>> example in the wiki? There must be a better way to check if
>> glXGetFBConfigAttrib() failed.
>> P.P.S.: I left the "select the first[...]" comment in place, although it
>> is now wrong.
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