[Xcb] RFC: parameters for structs (for XI1)

Daniel Martin consume.noise at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 01:38:42 PST 2013

Hi everyone,

here's another show blocker in xcbgen/c_client.

In XI1 there's the GetDeviceMotionEvents request:

    <request name="GetDeviceMotionEvents" opcode="10">
        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="start" />
        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="stop" altenum="Time" />
        <field type="CARD8" name="device_id" />
            <pad bytes="1" />
            <field type="CARD32" name="num_coords" />
            <field type="CARD8" name="num_axes" />
            <field type="CARD8" name="device_mode" enum="ValuatorMode" />
            <pad bytes="18" />
            <!-- Uninterpreted: list of DeviceTimeCoord structures -->

    <struct name="DeviceTimeCoord">
        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="time" />
        <!-- Uninterpreted: list of CARD16 -->

The length of the list of CARD16 in DeviceTimeCoord is num_axes from the
reply. So, we need a way to pass num_axes to the functions handling this
One way could be, just to hard code num_axes as fieldref in the list of
CARD16 and let the code generator guess that this field might come from
a parent. I wouldn't prefer this solution.

Instead I would like to introduce "parameters". In the struct it could
be implemented like:

    <struct name="DeviceTimeCoord">
        <paramdec type="CARD8" name="number_of_axes" />
        <!-- parameter declaration
             Now, the code generator knows that functions handling this
             this struct need an additional parameter. -->

        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="time" />
        <list type="CARD16" name="data">
            <!-- parameter reference -->

For the request I'm not totally sure what's the best way to make it as
obvious as possible that the parameter has to be used on the type of the

    <request name="GetDeviceMotionEvents" opcode="10">
        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="start" />
        <field type="TIMESTAMP" name="stop" altenum="Time" />
        <field type="CARD8" name="device_id" />
            <pad bytes="1" />
            <field type="CARD32" name="num_coords" />
            <field type="CARD8" name="num_axes" />
            <field type="CARD8" name="device_mode" enum="ValuatorMode" />
            <pad bytes="18" />
            <list type="DeviceTimeCoord" name="coords">
                <paramval name="number_of_axes">num_axes</paramval>
                <!-- Note: number_of_axes vs. num_axes. One is the
                     parameter, the other is the "fieldref". -->


paramdec should be derived from the field element (or it's base) and
paramref and paramval should be expressions.

Any comments are appreciated.

    Daniel Martin

PS: A happy new year to everyone.

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