[Xcb] Feature Request: Function "xcb_test_for_event"

Christian Heller christian.heller at tuxtax.de
Sat May 4 15:37:36 PDT 2013

> That's what you do if you build your application specifically on XCB.
> When building a generic event loop, you block until you have data from
> any source.  And I can understand wanting to keep all the processing in
> a single thread; it seems like a waste to read out an event from XCB,
> stuff it in a queue or mailbox, and process it in another thread, if you
> could just have XCB unblock you when you have an event.  (Also, you'd
> have to do that cross-thread communication for every event, to avoid
> getting events out of order.)

Not that I am a windows fan, but currently try to adapt CYBOI to it
(in addition to X Window System), so that it gets platform-independent.

The Win32 API:

describes, among others, these functions:
GetMessage (blocking)
PeekMessage (non-blocking)

Using "PeekMessage", one can choose between "PM_NOREMOVE" and
"PM_REMOVE", to be handed over as last argument.

Also, there are these functions:

Some reasons for why they might be useful are here:

Just wanted to let you know ...


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