[Xcb] [PATCH proto 12/22] xinput: struct XIDeviceInfo.type: altenum to enum

Christian Linhart chris at demorecorder.com
Mon Aug 18 05:59:52 PDT 2014

field "type": replace altenum by enum because
only the values of DeviceType are permitted


notes to the spec:
* the field is called "use" in the spec, instead of "type"
* the enum is called "DEVICEUSE" in the spec, instead of "DeviceType"
 src/xinput.xml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/xinput.xml b/src/xinput.xml
index d5abc34..466edeb 100644
--- a/src/xinput.xml
+++ b/src/xinput.xml
@@ -1487,15 +1487,15 @@ <struct name="DeviceClass">
     <struct name="XIDeviceInfo">
         <field type="DeviceId" name="deviceid" altenum="Device" />
-        <field type="CARD16"   name="type" altenum="DeviceType" />
+        <field type="CARD16"   name="type" enum="DeviceType" />
         <field type="DeviceId" name="attachment" altenum="Device" />
         <field type="CARD16"   name="num_classes" />
         <field type="CARD16"   name="name_len" />
         <field type="BOOL"     name="enabled" />
         <pad bytes="1" />
         <list type="char" name="name">
             <!-- name_len is without padding, so we've to pad on our own,

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