[Xcb] sizeof paramters for length less lists

Jaya Tiwari tiwari.jaya18 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 09:59:14 PST 2015

Hi All,

I have tried having length less lists to have the length calculated by
using request length.
I took render extension for start, and had the SetPictureClipRectangles to
have length calculated from request length.
I have sizeof generated for set_picture_clip_rectangles with rectangles_len
as parameter, but unlike before, rectangles_len is no more used in the body
of sizeof, as it is now replaced by request length ( which is (length -
3)/2 for rectangles list ).

So, is it feasible to remove rectangles_len parameter from the sizeof now
for such length less lists which now use request length in list length
calculation ?

Will this change bring any compatibility issues?

Can anyone please guide me on this .

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