[Xcb] Proposed patch to support clang compilation of util-image

Pablo Cholaky waltercool at slash.cl
Thu Oct 27 04:17:52 UTC 2016

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Josh Triplett <josh at joshtriplett.org>

> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 07:44:09AM +0000, Bart Massey wrote:
> > Yeah, assert() should be marked noreturn (directly or indirectly) in
> > general or bad things happen. Those assert()s really want to be assert()s
> > or calls to abort() or something: there is nothing good that can happen
> > after returning from those places.
> I just checked, and clang definitely does support the noreturn
> attribute.  And the system headers typically define assert with the
> noreturn attribute.
> Did the build occur with NDEBUG defined or similar, to no-op out the
> assert?

Guys, I'm really sorry of being late responding this, the problem was
caused by musl and not clang nor xcb-image, so please ignore those changes.



Pablo Cholaky
Computer Science and TI Engineer
Gentoo Linux user and developer
Slash.cl Owner
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