[Xcb] How to properly discard socket-handoff GetInputFocus requests?

Uli Schlachter psychon at znc.in
Sun Feb 25 17:45:37 UTC 2018

On 25.02.2018 08:05, Clemens Eisserer wrote:
> Hi Uli,
>> Uhm. I do not know, looking at the code and what Xlib does ended up
>> confusing me some more. Right now I see no reason why
>> xcb_discard_reply() would not work, but I haven't really checked this
>> properly.
> The issue is - I don't know of any way to get the sequence number
> using official APIs.
> So I can't actually call xcb_discard_reply.

The last argument to xcb_take_socket gives you the sequence number. It
is just the number of requests that were sent on the connection. So the
sequence number of the first request that you generate on your own is
<that number> + 1, etc.

> I wonder, would it be sufficient to call
> xcb_discard_reply(xcb_get_input_focus(xcbCon).sequence) right before I
> take the socket unconditionally and make sure I cause a
> socket-revocation (e.g. calling XNoOp()) before approaching the 16-bit
> unsigned int sequence number wrap arround?

Sure, but I'd use xcb_discard_reply(xcb_get_input_focus(connection))
instead of XNoOp(). :-)

> Or does the xcb code really expect the first request *after* socket
> handoff to cause a reply?

Well, not really. Xcb just has to see a reply or an error every 2^16
(possibly 2^16-1, I'm not quite sure) requests to detect the sequence
number wrap-around correctly. Since you do not know how far away the
last request causing a reply was when xcb_take_socket() is called, there
is a possibility that a wrap-around happens next if you do not send a
request causing a reply.

Hence, the rule of "the first request has to cause a reply" is mostly
just a safe over-approximation over some internal information that xcb
does not hand out.

>> How are you handling other replies that the requests that you send
>> generate? Can't you generate the GetInputFocus reply the same way?
> I don't generate requests in protocol generated during I own the socket.
>> Also, why do you need to take the socket at all? Can't you just use xcb
>> "the way it is intended to be used"?
> I use socket handoff for batching certain operations of a immediate
> rendering API (Java2D).
> Socket handoff allows me to control:
> * when protocol is submitted to the x-server (whereas when using
> native xcb/xlib APIs this is an implementation detail I don't have
> control over)
> * modification of queued commands right before they are sent
> To allow for that batching, I need both features.
> So the need to generate protocol myself is actually a side-effect, not
> the reason I use it.

So... why don't you just batch things outside of xcb (in a similar way
as you do know) and then use e.g. xcb_send_request() to send the
resulting requests when you really want to? Or alternatively, batch them
as you do know and then use the normal wrapper functions provided by xcb
to send the request? Why do you need to take the socket to batch requests?

Google gave me
http://hg.openjdk.java.net/xrender/xrender/jdk/rev/0522a2e793b2 at which
point there is too much code for me to quickly understand. At least I
see that Java_sun_java2d_xr_XRBackendJava_takeSocket ignores the "sent"
variable that would provide it with sequence numbers.

(In case the answer is "I am trying to emulate XLockDisplay()", my next
question will be: why? What bad things would happen if another thread
would use the xcb connection at the same time?)
(Also, my reaction would likely contain "noooooooo!!")


P.S.: The second Google result is
from 9 years ago :-)
Bruce Schneier can read and understand Perl programs.

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