Peter Harris pharris2 at rocketsoftware.com
Wed Dec 4 15:31:36 UTC 2024

>  Hoping to clarify or ensure that a xcb_generic_error_t error_code of
> 143 is a SIGTERM code. First time I received this and a non-xcb source claims this
> is so.

No, signals are in a different namespace from X11 error codes.

Errors >= 128 are "extension errors", which are allocated dynamically. On my server, for example, 143 would be RENDER + 3, which is "BadGlyphSet"


BadGlyphSet probably isn't the error you are getting, you will have to check the extension error numbers of your server. From the command line, you can use "xdpyinfo -queryExt" to see the base error number of each extension. Programmatically, you can call xcb_get_extension_data for each of the extensions you used to find the relevant base error numbers.

Peter Harris
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