[Xdevconf] Presentation Details

Jim Gettys Jim.Gettys at hp.com
Wed Mar 24 06:19:21 PST 2004

No problem.

There are 4 video screens across the front of the room we'll
be using, and a both a VGA connector and a Windoze system.
                         - Jim

On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 17:37, Eamon Walsh wrote:
> Hello, this is Eamon Walsh.  
> The title of my presentation in the agenda can be changed to
> "Fine-grained Access Control for X" if you wish, to set it apart from
> the network security discussion that is planned.  My work does not
> directly impact the network.
> I'll have 25-30 OpenOffice (or, if necessary, PowerPoint) slides.  
> Will there be a dedicated presentation machine available?  My laptop has
> been known to thumb its nose at projectors.
> --Eamon

Jim Gettys <Jim.Gettys at hp.com>
HP Labs, Cambridge Research Laboratory

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