New name option: Flatpack/Flatpak

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Tue May 3 10:37:50 UTC 2016

On mån, 2016-05-02 at 17:23 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> We've had some more discussions about the name, and the google doc
> has
> been updated with a bunch of alternatives.
> However, at the end the name "Flatpack", or "Flatpak" seems to have
> come up on top for many people.
> Jimmac even made a logo:
> There is some disagreement on the alternative spelling though.
> "Flatpak" is shorter, more unique and easier to google, whereas
> "Flatpack" is more natural to spell and spells like it sounds.
> Which one do you all prefer of these two?

This seems to be generally liked, and of the two the shorter one seems
more popular, so I'm going with that one.

I will start converting the code today. Jimmac is working on a webpage.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl at            alexander.larsson at 
He's an obese amnesiac filmmaker looking for a cure to the poison 
coursing through his veins. She's a vivacious Buddhist Hell's Angel who 
inherited a spooky stately manor from her late maiden aunt. They fight 

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