Icon Theme Spec and Cross-desktop Themeing

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Mon Aug 4 14:30:00 EEST 2003

> On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 17:23, Rodney Dawes wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This is an initial mail to warn you all that I'm working on a
> > proposal for updates to the Icon Theme spec, and to solicit
> > complaints against the current revision, or suggestions for
> > improvement. Currently my proposals exist of the following:
> > 
> > - Adding support for the ~/.themes tree

Does this have to be ~/.themes? Another stupid hidden dir! Why not

> > - Standardizing names for icons, so that we will actually have
> >   cross-desktop icon themes, rather than a buttload of duplicate
> >   icons, because they are named differently between kde and gnome

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