Default browser setting

Lars Hallberg spam at
Sat Jul 26 00:14:32 EEST 2003

Christophe Fergeau wrote:

>I consider the "default browser" as being "the app which I use to open html files". That means that if I double click on a local html file, I want it to open in my "default browser". On the contrary, if I double click on a, I don't want to open it in a browser to be asked which app should be used to open it, it's better to directly launch an app which can handle this uri if there is one available.

If the app lanching the uri don't suport http this might be hard. It's 
not for sure your prefared ps viewer suports http ether. So lanching a 
default browser might be the best way.

Idealy, that browser do (at least given the right command line togle) 
automaticly lanch the right wiever for the file (using the mimetype 
database), and don't open a window for itself unless it's viewing the 
file nativly (and quit when it's job is done otherwise).

This problem may have become lesser with the existans of vfs librarys, 
but not all apps want to link those librarys.

BTW, I saw a vfs working att the filesystem level, so opening would mean opening a regular file att a given 
mountpoint, for example /uri/http/ - As it to userland 
is a regular file, it can be feed directly to any viewer!!!

Thats cool, an given that http headers can be preserved as fs metadata 
(I'm prety clules at that extended metadata stuff), I think it's the 
prefered way to impliment a vfs!

If it's possably. I think that is an asperant for standardisation, how 
to map uri to path, how to map different protocolls metadata to fs 
metadata, how to map logininfo to path (that might not be so secure, 
better idés?), etc.

Not desktop specifik, but realy usfull for a desktop system!


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