Thumnail & Icon specs
Craig Drummond
Craig.Drummond at
Thu Jul 31 16:09:00 EEST 2003
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 11:13:05AM +0200, Craig Drummond wrote:
> > > The basic reason is that XDG_DATA_HOME was invented after these specs.
> > >
> > > Changing it might make sense, but hasn't been brought up before now.
> >
> > OK. But still, why was a spec agreed upon that adss ore and more hidden
> > stuff to $HOME? Surely each spec should of at least allowed the user to
> move it
> > with a XDG_ICON_HOME or similar env var?
> >
> > Are the specs going to be updated? I've noticed KDE CVS creates a
> > ~/.thumbnails - and I'd *very* much like to have that moved.
> >
> They'll be updated if you convince other people on the list, and
> someone makes a patch to the specs and addresses any objections
> raised.
OK, so how would I go about making a patch to the spec? Just create a diff
against the html file, or post a complete version of the html file? Or is it
better to ask the respective author?
> I don't decide these things, it's a group consensus issue, and someone
> has to actually make the patch.
Yeah - sorry. I meant to send the email to the xdg-list, but the web-based
email reader I'm reading just sent it to you! Oops...
> Havoc
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