HAL 0.1 release

Bryan W. Headley bwheadley at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 11 01:39:35 EEST 2003

Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> There are two kinds of information. On the one hand a "class hierarchy"
> of devices:
>      Device -> Network Device -> Modem -> Hayes-compatible Modem
> On the other hand, for a particular device instance, what classes is it
> a member of.

The example though is really cool. Now this device obviously is detached 
from your Linux system, although there's no law that says it cannot be 
running an embedded Linux...

One assumes that announcing its availability is the responsibility of 
the Network Device. This means that dbus is behaving like 
message-oriented middleware, broadcasting on a subject that one-to-many 
listeners have subscribed to? I wasn't completely sure that dbus did that.

____               .:.                 ____
Bryan W. Headley - bwheadley at earthlink.net

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