proposal for file: uri standard

Thomas Leonard tal00r at
Wed Apr 7 13:30:18 EEST 2004

On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 10:07:18AM +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> Are people ok with putting up this version on

Yep. One thing, though:

> > Hostnames
> > ---------
> > 
> > When generating a file: uri the hostname part, if nonempty, should be
> > whatever is returned from gethostname(). This means that the name is
> > canonical for all users on the same machine, so that you can easily
> > see if the referenced file is on the current machine. Note that
> > "localhost" or an empty hostname needs to be handled specially, always
> > meaning the host the uri is being interpreted on.

I noticed we have this code in ROX-Filer to generate the hostname:

if (gethostname(buffer, 4096) == 0) {
	/* gethostname doesn't always return the full name... */
	struct hostent *ent;

	buffer[4095] = '\0';
	ent = gethostbyname(buffer);
	name = g_strdup(ent ? ent->h_name : buffer);

However, perhaps such machines are just misconfigured?

Thomas Leonard
tal00r at	tal197 at
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