[Registry] Re: LinuxRegistry in Freedesktop & KDE

Anthony Metcalf anthony.metcalf at anferny.ath.cx
Wed Apr 21 16:18:52 EEST 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:37:58 +0200
"C. Gatzemeier" <c.gatzemeier at tu-bs.de> wrote:

> You're probably
> thinking about somthing that looks similar to this?:
> http://config4gnu.sourceforge.net/screenshots


> If I look into install stuff I understand that the common packet
> management systems around are superior to some company's, only good
> enough to sell, ".dll hell shield". -  It's not about copying other
> os's things, it's about superior solutions. Synaptic and autopackage
> might be an example. That is cool stuff. Complainig how hard compiling
> might be for a user to update something is also not very correct
> because that is an option he just doesn't have with proprietary
> shrinkwraped software copies ("products"). Before going into a "all
> for LR" mode we should look around, and value what is there.

So what we need to ask is, can we make an app that can parse all the
configs and change them easily, then can we get the api so that
installers can use it to create/modify its own config files?

>From the screenshot above it looks like a firm yes, without using LR. Is
there any reasoning that i'm missing?

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