Media/Device Type Spec???

Jerry Haltom jhaltom at
Fri Aug 20 20:08:46 EEST 2004

I would like to see handlers for URL protocol that function similarly to
handlers for mime types.

Programs would install themselves, and register that they handle a
particular protocol type. The user would be able to open a URL, and the
system would say...

"Which program would you like to open this URL in: Subversion, Epiphany,
Galeon, Mozilla."

Additionally, context could be added to favor particular programs. For
instance, if you click on a http:// url from inside of a program that
thinks it SHOULD be subversion, it would know to open it in whatever you
have associated with subversion.

Consider a typical http:// subversion url. It's one URL, one protocol
(http), but it supports 3 different subprotocols: WebDAV, Subversion,
and HTML. Depending on the context the user is working in, it might open
in any of the 3... Or the user might want to make that choice (or might
have to, as we can't).

Anyways, im just brainstorming.

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