Wallpaper images standard

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 05:59:05 EET 2004

On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 18:56:19 +0000, Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> wrote:
> I would like to propose that freedesktop work on a standard for
> wallpaper images.  Currently KDE can't use wallpapers from the
> gnome-backgrounds set and vice versa.  Distributions which support
> both gnome and KDE have to duplicate their backgrounds to get them
> picked up.


> Things to be decided would be a standard system directory, a standard
> user directory and a standard metadata format.

I think having a default relative path within a data location would be
a good start, and then the XDG Base Directory Specification would
apply to locating the directories.  It would be an added bonus to be
able to specify multiple user-specific directories instead of just
one.  That could probably be done via metadata.

It should also be possible for a user to specify that they have no
interest in the system wallpapers at all, though it's not clear that
should be dealt with in a cross-desktop way (though it would be nice
for those of us that use multiple desktops).

> As of a couple of days ago KDE uses .desktop files to describe images,
> failing that it reads the image metadata comment and otherwise just
> uses the filename.
> Gnome uses an XML format to list metadata for several files in each
> XML file.  Currently KDE does not have the infrastructure to make this
> i18n friendly as far as I know.

Pointers to more information about these would be nice, but I'll google anyway.

> Is there interest in pursuing this?

I'm interested.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
Zope Corporation

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