XDG standard: Is Math a Science

Martin Waitz tali at admingilde.org
Tue Feb 10 14:38:34 EET 2004

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 12:06:47PM +0100, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> Not sure if you meant to reply to the list or not...
yes it was, so i'll reply to the list now so everyone can see it.

> On Tuesday 10 February 2004 11:09, Martin Waitz wrote:
> > Well ok, i mostly know the german 'wissenschaft' and am not that
> > familiar with all the english connotations.
> Yeah, well, and I got confused by them going the other way.  (My native 
> language is English, but I've been living in Germany for a couple of years.)
> > so what should we do with the categories?
> Honestly I think they're probably fine -- like people will still find the 
> stuff most likely.  The problem is that coming up with a "correct" solution 
> would require taking the meaning of the words in each language into account 
> and I don't think anybody cares enough to do that.  ;-)
> But specifically the words "art" and "science" are almost always fuzzy when 
> doing translations.
> Another good example is that you wouldn't call "engineering" a "science" in 
> English, but it is "Wissenschaft".  :-)

CU,		  / Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Martin Waitz	//  Department of Computer Science 12      _________
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