Session Management Proposal

George jirka at
Tue Jan 6 10:20:14 EET 2004

On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 04:51:02AM +0100, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> i'll take care of writing a spec; feel free to ping me vigorously if you
> don't see anything in, say, two weeks.

As part of pinging you vigorously.  Note that I've added two more commands to
the protocol: QUERY_VT and SET_VT.  It turns out that without these, fast
user switching would kind of suck because only the first person that logs in
has access to /dev/console.  Since we already check for who's at the console
ourselves, we can just handle changing the virtual terminals for the user.

Of course other things also are broke with fast user switching still.  If you
have two people logged in, how do you handle the sound device and more
importantly, the removable media and other things that get it's permissions
twiddled by PAM.  But this is a different problem entierly.


George <jirka at>
   Zivot je kratkej a posranej, jako zebricek do kurniku.
                       -- Neznamy

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