[RESEND] [PATCH] Clean Up MIME Strings (was: Re: shared-mime-info's terminology)

Thomas Leonard tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Jan 12 18:03:49 EET 2004

On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 07:10:12PM +0100, Christian Neumair wrote:

> This is a very old patch, please review and apply if appropriate.

Most of this looks great. I'm a bit concerned about some of the
contractions, though. A lot of entries are now in the form:

   <mime-type type="image/x-dcm">
     <glob pattern="*.dcm"/>
     <comment>DCM image</comment>

The problem is that the comment tells me nothing I couldn't work out from
the name (and I still have no clue what this file is).

The original entry:

   <comment>Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image</comment>

looks like it would be much more useful to a user wanting to know what
'Image.dcm' is. If you want it shorter, perhaps something like "medical

Likewise, image/svg+xml ("SVG image") could perhaps be "scalable image"?

Thomas Leonard			http://rox.sourceforge.net
tal00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk	tal197 at users.sourceforge.net
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