HAL: camera

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Wed Jan 14 12:40:43 EET 2004

On Tuesday 13 January 2004 03:53, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> According to the HAL spec, the 'camera' capability is for still-image
> cameras.  Shouldn't it perhaps be that 'camera' is for any kind of
> digital camera, and have the capabilities 'camera.image', 'camera.audio'
> and 'camera.movie', or something of that nature?  Even many still-image
> cameras these days also support movies.  'camera' doesn't just mean
> still images, and it's likely apps will want to differentiate between
> still image, video, and mixed-mode cameras.

What about other sources for still images or video?
(scanners, TV inou grabber, DVB interface cards)

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