HAL: camera

Martin Waitz tali at admingilde.org
Fri Jan 16 10:21:27 EET 2004

hi :)

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 08:32:03PM -0500, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> > Now, I am not so sure I agree.  One reason it _is_ nice is that apps
> > that use HAL (like g-v-m) don't really tend to have state, because HAL
> > handles everything.  g-v-m, for example, could be modeled as a FSM
> > without any storage (is that called a finite automaton?),

FSM is Finite State Machine, so no.

well ok, when you say that HAL provides the state, your program
could be part of the transition function in a big FSM involing HAL.

CU,		  / Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany
Martin Waitz	//  Department of Computer Science 3       _________
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