Proposing to host system-auth-agent in fdo

Alexander Larsson alexl at
Mon Oct 18 10:06:32 EEST 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-16 at 20:48 +0200, Carlos Garnacho wrote:

> Ok, the program that uses the API could still be affected by LD_PRELOAD,
> but let's suppose the next scenario:
> Joe tries to do weird stuff, writes a .so file that replaces getuid()
> calls to impersonate Frank and tries to run "rm -rf /", runs
> control-center with LD_PRELOAD
> 1) system-auth-manager will still know which is the calling user, as it
> isn't affected by LD_PRELOAD
> 2) system-auth-manager will check that user Joe is allowed to run the
> "rm" command, if he isn't, the root password will be requested, and the
> whole LD_PRELOAD won't be effective at all. 

So, you're agreeing that the binary-name check doesn't help much? (Since
you brought up the uid check instead.)

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl at    alla at 
He's an old-fashioned one-eyed grifter looking for a cure to the poison 
coursing through his veins. She's a mentally unstable hypochondriac Hell's 
Angel with a knack for trouble. They fight crime! 

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