Application category in .desktop files

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert.spam at
Sat Apr 9 15:05:40 EEST 2005

Am Samstag, den 09.04.2005, 12:46 +0200 schrieb Daniel Leidert:
> Hello,
> Can someone tell me, since when the 'Application'-category is obsolete
> for the 'Categories=' entry in .desktop files? The main question is:
> Does GNOME 2.6 require it or is it possible to follow the "Desktop Menu
> Specification" in GNOME 2.6? Should I better ask this on a GNOME mailing
> list?

Hmm. I try to follow the "Desktop Menu Specification", but I see a lot
of applications, which have a 'Application;' in the Catogories-entry in
their .desktop file (even in GNOME 2.8) and desktop-file-validate does
not complain about it. I can also add FooBar; to this entry and the
validation tool will not complain. So I have to change my original
question: Should I better follow the spec? Or is 'Application' something
still used? How is it handled?

Regards, Daniel

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