New clipboard proposal
Philip Van Hoof
spamfrommailing at
Wed Jan 5 00:09:31 EET 2005
On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 17:46 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
> I am also playing with the idea of adding hooks to the xlib functions
> related to copy and pasting. Maybe it's even possible to do all this in
> xlib (or the newer xcb/xcl) and by that not breaking any backwards
> compatibility. Even make it possible to let the old xclients use a new
> technique without any changes necessary except of course relinking.
Humble ..
It's my first time I've been reading X11/Xlib code so its likely I have
many things wrong. I'm also introducing a few new functions. They
haven't been made of course. But you'll get the idea.
I think something like that would need two hooks. One in GetProp.c
(XGetWindowProperty) and one in ConvSel.c (XConvertSelection). Both for
the requester
If a SelectionRequest happens, it needs to handle that event by
preparing what will be available on the IPC (bus). This is for the
I agree that it's totally a hack. It's not clean. It's playing and
messing around. I fear, however, there's few ways to maintain backwards
compatibility while fixing the current clipboard issues.
In pseudo
The first hook would look like this [..] The second hook would only have
to store the arguments of XConvertSelection to a, for the plugin,
temporary global struct (and free the last one if any).
[..] in GetProp.c (for example at line 50):
XGetWindowProperty (...)
if (thepluginisloaded && selextension_hooks->XGetWindowProperty_Hook)
// This is a functionpointer which isn't NULL if it's implemented
XReplyInfo *i = selextension_hooks->XGetWindowProperty_Hook (...);
// It will return NULL, however, if the IPC-mechanism failed
if (i != NULL) {
// The function returned all this by parsing it from what we
// received over our IPC.
*actual_type = i->propertyType;
*actual_format = i->format;
*nitems = i->nItems;
*bytesafter = i->bytesAfter;
*prop = i->received;
return Success;
// In which case we fallback
// If there's no plugin or function: fallback (so totally nothing
// changes)
Pseudo code implementation of that functionpointer (XGetWindowProperty_
Hook) in a plugin:
XReplyInfo * XGetWindowProperty_Hook
(dpy, w, property, offset, length, delete,
req_type, actual_type, actual_format, nitems,
bytesafter, prop)
Atom CLIPBOARD = XInternAtom (dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0);
Atom PRIMARY = XInternAtom (dpy, "PRIMARY", 0);
Atom SECONDARY = XInternAtom (dpy, "SECONDARY", 0);
// our new target
Atom IPCINFO = XInternAtom (dpy, "selection-extension/ipcinfo", 0);
if (property == CLIPBOARD || property == PRIMARY) {
unsigned char **ipcinfo;
xGetPropertyReply reply;
register xGetPropertyReq *req;
// First in stead of the original request, we request
// the "selection-extension/ipcinfo"-target
// Using that target we might get the information about the
// IPC-mechanism that might be available
XConvertSelection (dpy, property, IPCINFO, w, CurrentTime);
GetReq (GetProperty, req);
req->window = w;
req->property = property;
req->type = req_type;
req->delete = delete;
req->longOffset = offset;
req->longLength = length;
_XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &reply, 0, xFalse);
if (reply.propertyType != None) {
// This is cool since it means we received it
// Simplified for this mail, assuming reply.format is always 8
*prop = Xmalloc (reply.nitems + 1);
_XReadPad (dpy, (char *) *ipcinfo, reply.nItems);
if (IpcinfoDisplaystring (ipcinfo) == Displaystring (dpy))
// This is even more cool since it means we live on the same
// host as the xclient who gave us the special target
// So .. we are going to use the IPC-mechanism
// wanted_selection_info is what we stored using the
// XConvertSelection hook
return GetDataUsingIpc (ipcinfo, wanted_selection_info);
// In any other case fallback.
// If GetdataUsingIpc returns NULL (who knows), it will also fallback
// This is the global struct stored using the XConvertSelection hook
WantedSelInfo *i = wanted_selection_info;
// The most ugly part
// Because we just screwed the original request, we re-request it
// as if nothing happened
XConvertSelection (i->dpy, i->property, i->target, i->w, i->time);
return NULL;
> Puttings those hooks there also doesn't necessarily mean depending on
> the code of those hooks (like DBUS code). This can also be implemented
> as a library of which the functions, if the library is found and the
> functions are implemented, are invoked. Basically just like what I'm
> doing with [see above and checkout it's source]: Using some
> functionpointers and checking for an implementation (easy stuff).
Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at freax dot org
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
work: philip dot vanhoof at cronos dot be
junk: philip dot vanhoof at gmail dot com,
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