Emoticon theme specification Version 0.1

Ismael Olea ismael at olea.org
Thu Jan 13 19:35:09 EET 2005

El mar, 11-01-2005 a las 13:26 +0100, Jakub Steiner escribió:

> > Also in MSN Messenger, the user is allowed to use different emoticons, and 
> > theses emoticons are even transmitted to the other side.
> > We planed to export the emoticon theme as well.
> As I described above, I think that's a bad plan.

In my experience, people seems to love that feature of enrich they
emoticons collection. So probably should better to support it in some

        A. Ismael Olea González
        mailto:ismael at olea.org  http://www.olea.org
        http://aduaneros.olea.org, la ONG sin futuro.
        El mundo debe empezar a tener miedo a un planeta OLEA

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