pointing to files in home within Exec and Icon

seventh guardian seventhguardian_ at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 23 15:52:22 EEST 2005

>From: Hongli Lai <hongli at plan99.net>
>To: sven.lug-dorsten at gmx.de
>CC: xdg at lists.freedesktop.org
>Subject: Re: pointing to files in home within Exec and Icon
>Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 13:47:59 +0200
>Sven wrote:
>>Hi list,
>>i created this menu-entry:
>>[Desktop Entry]
>>Comment=Reminder Program
>>i expected something like this to work, but is does not:
>>or/and this:
>>or/and this:
>>Have i done something wrong, or is it something thats not in the
>>...it would be usefull because its more general.
>>regards, Sven Jaborek
>I don't think there's a way to make the Icon field work, but for the Exec 
>field, you can write something like this:
>Exec=sh -c ~/.bin/sanduhr

Yes you can, but that's not the point. I think maybe we should be allowed to 
use system vars for paths in the .desktop files, instead of having to 
allways use absolute paths or to use hacks like that.

Don't know if the problem is implementation specific or general, but either 
way system vars should be regarded in the spec.

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