DVFS Metadata

Timo Stülten t.stuelten at tu-bs.de
Wed Mar 9 01:12:21 EET 2005

Am Dienstag, 8. März 2005 21:57 schrieben Sie:
> Of course, if we have only a couple pre-defined namespaces, we don't
> really need to add the memory and processing overhead of putting the
> namespace in the strings - we can simply group the keys accordingly.
Dublin Core was created to support keys like "Title", "Description" and 13 
other "very exciting" keys (RFC2413) -- there must be a reason... 
Keynames are constants. Adding "dc:date" instead of "creation date" should 
make no difference in space and processing. Don't drop the prefix. 
Processing is much easier then. Anyway, most apps will simply call the 
"direct" methods below, so there is no overhead.

> Basically, make the metadata structure and API a little more than just a
> simple key/value list.  I don't like the idea of interface complexity,
> but then, a single function call like get_size() is a lot easier than
> get_attr("file/size") [for one reason, its got type safety and you don't


Timo Stuelten                                        t.stuelten at tu-bs.de

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