Menu Spec: including files & absolute paths

Mark McLoughlin markmc at
Wed Mar 9 12:31:35 EET 2005

On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 11:40 +0200, Waldo Bastian wrote:

> I noticed that some tools generate ~/.config/menus/ files 
> that include the system level file using an absolute path 
> using <MergeFile>/absolute/path/</MergeFile>. This is 
> actually recommended in appendix D of the spec.
> I see the need for that and I also understand that it is hard to do this 
> differently, unfortunately it also breaks the idea that the $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS 
> variable controls which directories are used for the file: 
> Once a ~/.config/menus/ file is in place that includes a 
> system level file using its absolute path, changes in 
> $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS will effectively be ignored. 


> To solve this issue in a backwards compatible way I suggest to add an argument 
> to the <MergeFile> element that indicates that if the file that contains the 
> element is a file relative to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS the same file 
> further up the search path should be merged instead of the file that is 
> specified in the <MergeFile> element. I propose to call this argument 
> "parent".

	How about just <MergeParent/> ?

	Whatever we call it, I think we're all agreed we need it anyway :-)


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