Specifications on several pages

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Sat Mar 26 16:12:49 EET 2005

On Saturday 26 March 2005 04:26, Frans Englich wrote:
> Hello,
> In the event that a specification become such large that people want to
> split it into several pages, how is that done?
> Currently, somewhere on the web server, the specifications are transformed
> by the Docbook stylesheet with default settings, where are they invoked,
> such that chunked output can be turned on?

The standards on standards.freedesktop.org are all generated in both 
all-in-one-page format as well as in one-page-per-chapter format.

See update.py in /srv/standards.freedesktop.org
and specs.idx in /srv/standards.freedesktop.org/www

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