Suggestion for new project: chemical-mime-data

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert.spam at
Tue May 10 23:31:18 EEST 2005

Am Dienstag, den 10.05.2005, 15:52 -0400 schrieb Rodney Dawes:
> Given that chemical/ isn't an IANA standard grouping, shouldn't it be
> x-chemical/

Possible, yes. We had some discussions about that problem. But
media-types x-* are also not registered nor known (AFAIK).

> and you should drop the x- prefix off of the actual types
> within that group?

No. IMHO this is not a good idea.

> This would give you x-chemical/pdb for example.

The big problem is: Chemical MIME types have never been officially
registered with IANA, but they are well known [1]. Servers deliver such
files as chemical/*. I don't want to change this. I know, this is like
walking on a peak, but I have no better idea.

[1] The work of this package is based on the list from

Regards, Daniel

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