Menu-Spec and nested AppDirs

Waldo Bastian bastian at
Thu May 26 14:14:14 EEST 2005

On Wednesday 25 May 2005 17:30, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> Hey,
> 	My take on this would be that editors shouldn't be editing .desktop
> files by making a copy with the same file ID and putting them in
> ~/.local/share/applications. $XDG_DATA_HOME, AFAICT, is for application
> data, not user configuration files.
> 	To show a concrete problem with doing it this way, if you installed a
> vim package in your home directory, you'd expect the package to install
> vim.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications, overriding the user's
> changes.
> 	So, I think editors should be creating their own directory for
> edited .desktop files, say ~/.config/pyxdg-applications and copying
> the .desktop files there, but with a different desktop file ID.
> 	That way you'd have, in ~/.config/menus/
> <Menu>
>   <Name>Applications</Name>
>   <AppDir>/home/foo/.config/pyxdg-applications</AppDir>
>   <Menu>
>     <Name>Debian</Name>
>     <Include>
>       <Filename>pyxdg-vim.desktop</Filename>
>     </Include>
>     <Exclude>
>       <Filename>vim.desktop</Filename>
>     </Exclude>
>   </Menu>
> </Menu>

That's an interesting approach, I'm not totally convinced about it yet, but if 
we want to recommend that then we should standardize on a common prefix 
instead of "pyxdg-". It would be silly if every menu-editor started to add 
different prefixes... you would end up with things like 
pyxdg-kmenuedit-pyxdg-vim.desktop after a while.

So to address that I propose a "xdg-changed-" prefix together with a 
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/menus/applications-changed directory, referenced relative to 
the file as <AppDir>applications-changed</AppDir>

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