i18n (was: Re: A draft for a standard for desktop configuration)

Philip Van Hoof spam at pvanhoof.be
Tue Sep 20 22:56:42 EEST 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 01:52 +0200, Christian Neumair wrote:

Thanks Christian,

I've put this on TODO for the specification. I'm searching for examples
and other DTD/XSD's that have implemented something like this.

If you can point me to samples, that would be great.

This example is, however, very useful.

> I'm not covering setlocale in detail here, which is a basic i18n
> prerequisite. In short, in main (), you need
>  setlocale(LC_ALL, "" );
> In the memory representation of the schema, which would be:
> typedef struct {
> ...
>    char *gettext_domain;
>    char *gettext_directory;
> } DConfSchema;
> you should - upon parsing <gettext-domain/> and <gettext-directory/> set
> the fields to its corresponding values. I'm not sure whether a DTD can
> enforce to have a particular node ID only present once for a paticular
> parent node - for these two tags this would be appropriate. After
> parsing,

A DTD can't (I think). An XSD can (I think). I also created an XSD of
the schema definition. The XSD has more features/checks than the DTD.

>  bindtextdomain (schema->gettext_domain, schema->gettext_directory);
>  bind_textdomain_codeset (schema->gettext_domain, "UTF-8");
> would be called.
> When parsing a DConf key,
> typedef struct {
> ...
>   char *description;
> } DConfKey;

Sorry. This specification isn't about DConf. DConf might one day become
an implementation that implements this specification.

Please don't confuse it ;-)

> gets filled.
> then, in the
> const char *dconf_get_description (const char *key,
> 				   const char *locale);
> getter you would then lookup the schema associated with key, and
>  return dgettext (key->scheme->gettext_domain, key->description);

Philip Van Hoof, software developer at x-tend
home: me at pvanhoof dot be
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
work: vanhoof at x-tend dot be
http://www.pvanhoof.be - http://www.x-tend.be

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