toolkitindependent gui layouts

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at
Mon Aug 7 12:25:57 EEST 2006


one goal with Oyranos, a colour management system for FOSS, is to supply a 
API which makes it easy to implement Oyranos configuration dialogs 
natively with a toolkit of choice. These dialogs can then be integrated 
into standard desktop configuration tools like kcontrol and similiar. 
A sample implementation from the current C API in can be seen here:
I am afraid the above dialogs can not directly be integrated into qt or 

Now my question is about predecessors in layouting __simple__ interfaces, 
easy to mimic by various toolkits. Does you know about some?
Or does you know about projects, which implement theyre GUI's using a 
meta widget generation engine? Possibly they use allready available 
backends for the above mentioned toolkits (aqua and mfc not to exclude)?
For instance I expect wxWidgets to be a more complicated thing to be 
based upon.

Please let me know in case this question is better been placed on an other 
email list.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at

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