KDE/Gnome inconsistency in associations

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Sat Jan 7 02:42:02 EET 2006


Rodney Dawes wrote:
> If you replace the & with an underscore _ character, do you get the
> exact opposite problem, and the accelerator is set in GNOME? If so,
> I'd say they are both broken.

Ah, ah. Interesting. I did not know that Gnome's equivalent for '&' was 
'_' and I just realized that in all my (menu and association) tests the 
underscores were followed by a space. I'll update them to see what's up.

For the problem at hand, I modified the Name so it reads 'Underscore+foo 
_foo' but it passed uninterpreted in Gnome.

So apparently the consensus is that I should file a bug against KDE. So 
I'll do so on monday.


Francois Gouget
fgouget at codeweavers.com

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