Multiple DeskTops, HiColor theme, standardized icon names, & menu icons

Rodney Dawes dobey at
Thu Jun 29 18:16:26 EEST 2006

On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 17:09 +0200, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 29. Juni 2006 16:42 schrieb Rodney Dawes:
> >
> > Then why do we have a specification that says where to put icons at all?
> > Why isn't this all just part of the loader documentation?
> Because we expect all desktops to show menus and mimetype icons
> and for those the provided icons have to be in places where _everyone_ looks.
> I would call them public icons. For private icons there is no such need IMO.

You (like everyone else seems to be doing) are confusing the term
private, with static. For static icons in an app, of course there is no
need. Those icons are static and part of the application's data section
in the binary, or in a private directory with hardcoded paths. But for
an application that wishes to have themable icons, this is not feasible.
If one is to run Evolution under KDE for example, do you expect
Evolution to not have any of its icons available? Wouldn't you want the
icons to perhaps be in the same style as the icon theme you're using at
the time, when you run it?

-- dobey

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