Multiple DeskTops, HiColor theme, standardized icon names, & menu icons

Bastian, Waldo waldo.bastian at
Fri Jun 30 18:18:35 EEST 2006

>Portland is a new Free Desktop initiative coming out of the OSDL
>Architects' Meeting (hosted in Portland, Oregon in December 2005).
>Portland intends to generate a common set of Linux Desktop Interfaces
>and Tools to allow all applications to easily integrate with the free
>desktop configuration an end user has chosen to work with.
> >>
>Did I miss something?
>If an app is going to request an icon through the Portland interface
>library, aren't they going to need to be installed in a standardized
>location as well.

Not per se. If Portland can't find a themed version of the icon, the app
can use any other method it seems fit to get to an icon. And as I
mentioned already before (Did you see that mail? It's hard to tell from
your other mails) it is undesirable for applications to install icons
into $XDG_DATA_DIRS if there is no actual requirement for doing so.


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