extended attribute standardization

Stephen Watson stephen at kerofin.demon.co.uk
Sat Nov 18 11:56:32 EET 2006

Joe Shaw <joeshaw at novell.com> wrote:

> If http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/CommonExtendedAttributes is accurate
> in the coverage of xattr use out there, there are *three* applications
> using them today: Beagle, ROX contact manager, and an Apache module.
> Deciding how best to use xattrs and advocating their use with other
> developers seems like a more important first step than setting up wikis
> and mailing lists.

On the ROX side, ROX-Filer uses and can set user.mime_type, ROX-Lib contains
functions for setting and reading arbitrary xattrs, the next release of
ROX-CLib will contain similar functions and the next release of Fetch can
set user.xdg.origin.url.

Stephen Watson     http://www.kerofin.demon.co.uk/

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