Icon naming spec suggestions - mimetypes

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Tue Dec 25 16:02:25 PST 2007

Hi Rodney (and xdg list, it might be a good read),

I can't do all of them at once (and it's getting late), so here's a start of 
suggestions for the naming spec, in email form, for the mimetypes category.

--- What I consider important ---

* font-x-generic
* package-x-generic

Those are a bit problematic to me as you use IANA/fd.o mimetype compliant 
names, but these two aren't - IANA doesn't have any "font" or "package" 
categories. I would prefer these to be named x-font-generic and 

--- Wishlist: what I would like to see (but can live without) ---

* application-x-zerosize
The icon used for empty files.

* x-unknown
The icon used for files whose type cannot be determined.

--- Minor: might stay out of the spec, I don't care ---

* application-octet-stream
The icon used for generic binary files.

--- Other stuff ---

* application-certificate

Only in Tango (so you don't have to fix this in the spec), but same issue: 
there is no application/certificate mimetype, thus the icon should rather be 
named application-x-certificate or something in that vein.

Please keep me up to date when you change something.

More to come,

P.S.: is there any way to subscribe to CVS changes of the spec?

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