Actions: grouping vs. extensibility

Evgeny Egorochkin phreedom.stdin at
Tue Jul 17 07:56:51 PDT 2007

I propose not to change the rules, but to extend them by adding more fallback 
code. Apps written to the old spec will work as supposed and will fix that 
when they want to, and not when KDE says so.

There's a clear problem with the spec and it can be resolved without breaking 

KDE could have implemented additional fallbacks without asking or hurting 
anyone. What they want is to discuss and coordinate the extensions so that 
they eventually become a part of the spec.

-- Evgeny

On Tuesday 17 July 2007 16:48:09 Jörg Barfurth wrote:
> > Just an idea. How about naming the fallback icons like all-new or
> > generic-new? This seems to resolve the most pressing issues.
> Because the rules for fallback say that the fallback for
>    xxx-yyy-zzz-special
> is first
>     xxx-yyy-zzz
> and then
>     xxx-yyy
> There are no 'magic' names and special case rules that would make
> something like
>    xxx-all-yyy
> the (or 'a' - this could easily be ambiguous) fallback for
>    xxx-special-yyy
> - and that is Good Thing (TM)

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